GD High efficiency filter:Hi-temp with high air flow

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GD High efficiency filter:Hi-temp with high air flow




GD High efficiency filter:Hi-temp with high air flow

Application:some AHU running in high temperature,final filtration in ventilation of air conditioner systems
in clean room airflow can meet the demands of 10,000@,000 grade air cleaning
Separaters:hot melt
Frame:Galvanised steel board
Media:superfine glass fibre filter cardboard
Gasket: Half-round ¢15mm neoprene, endless
Temperature:70℃ maximum in continus service
Moisture resistance:≤100%RH
Maximum pressure drop:600 Pa

Suggested Maximum pressure drop:600 Pa

Dimension(mm) Air flow/pressure drop
Media surface Effciency
610*610*292 3750/155 5000/250 35.0 H11
610*610*292 3000/160 4000/250 21.0 H11
305*610*292 1500/165 2000/250 14.0 H11
595*595*292 3150/160 4200/250 32.0 H11
289*595*292 1250/165 1700/250 16.0 H11
610*610*292 3000/175 4000/250 40.0 H13
610*610*292 2550/180 3400/250 33.0 H13
305*610*292 1275/185 1700/250 16.0 H13
595*595*292 2400/180 3200/250 38.0 H13
289*595*292 975/185 1300/250 16.0 H13
610*610*292 2550/180 3400/250 40.0 H14
610*610*292 2250/180 3000/250 33.0 H14
305*610*292 1125/185 1500/250 16.0 H14
595*595*292 2000/180 2500/250 38.0 H14
289*595*292 900/185 1200/250 16.0 H14